Make cheap calls to China from only 13p per minute

Use JustCallAbroad and make huge savings!

Calls using any UK phone
Instantly purchase a £5 phone card to make cheap calls to China from any phone

Calls from a UK landline
Make instant, cheap international calls to China from any phone without having to set-up an account or make any pre-payment
Dial the access number shown above. When connected to our service you will hear a welcome message
Dial the international number you wish to call, remembering to include the full international dial code; 00 86
Get connected to China paying only the cost of dialling the cheap rate number plus your phone company's access charge
It's so simple so why not start calling your friends and family now
Calls are charged from time of connection to the service at the indicated rate plus your phone company's access charge. Please contact your phone company for details of these charges. Please obtain bill payer''s permission before making the call.
Dial 0908 807 1090 to get your £5 calling card
Dial this access number, 0203 173 1731, for the cost of a UK local call or free if you have any unused minutes on your talk plan
When you hear the welcome message enter your PIN and the international number you wish to call, remembering to include the full international dial code; 00 86
Get connected to China paying for the international leg of the call using your calling credit
All credit expires 60 days from first usage. Calls to 0905 number cost £5 + your phone company's access charge. Calls charged per minute & apply from the moment of connection. Calls to 01 numbers cost UK standard rate and can be used as a part of inclusive minutes. Calls to international premium rate services may cost considerably more than advertised rate.
Calling China could not be easier or cheaper than using JustCallAbroad.
Use our cheap rates to call mobiles in China from a landline.
- Before you dial your international number, call 0871 313 2501
- When connected to the JustCallAbroad service you will hear a welcome message
- Dial the Chinese number you need, remembering to include the full international dial code; 00 86
- For example, if you want to make a low cost call to a landline in Beijing, dial 0871 313 2501 first, at the prompt dial 0086 10 1234 5678 and get connected
- You only pay the indicated cost plus your phone company's access charge in your usual way
- The Chinese number you call will not appear on your bill, only the 0871 313 2501 number will be shown
Use JustCallAbroad and get great rates when using your mobile phone to call China.
So, start enjoying your cheap calls to China with JustCallAbroad.
Chinese dial codes
Anshun - Guizhou 00 86 853
Baodin - Hebei 00 86 312
Baotou - Nei Mongol 00 86 472
Beijing - Beijing 00 86 10
Chang-an - Shaanxi 00 86 29
Changchun - Jilin 00 86 431
Changsha - Hunan 00 86 731
Changzhou - Jiangsu 00 86 519
Chengdu - Sichuan 00 86 28
Chifeng - Nei Mongol 00 86 476
China00 86
Chongqing - Sichuan 00 86 23
Conghua - Guangdong 00 86 20
Da-tong - Qinghai 00 86 971
Dalian - Liaoning 00 86 411
Dongyang - Zhejiang 00 86 579
Fanyu - Guangdong 00 86 20
Fushun - Liaoning 00 86 413
Fuyang - Zhejiang 00 86 571
Fuzhou - Fujian 00 86 591
Guangzhou - Guangdong 00 86 20
Guiyang - Guizhou 00 86 851
Haifeng - Guangdong 00 86 7647
Haikou - Hainan 00 86 898
Hangzhou - Zhejiang 00 86 571
Harbin - Heilongjiang 00 86 451
Heze - Shandong 00 86 530
Hezhuo - Xinjiang 00 86 996
Hohhot - Nei Mongol 00 86 471
Huai-an - Jiangsu 00 86 517
Huaxian - Guangdong 00 86 20
Huizhou - Guangdong 00 86 752
Ji-lin - Jilin 00 86 432
Jiangmen - Guangdong 00 86 750
Jinan - Shandong 00 86 531
Jinhua - Zhejiang 00 86 579
Jining - Shandong 00 86 537
Jinzhou - Liaoning 00 86 416
Kunming - Yunnan 00 86 871
Lanzhou - Gansu 00 86 931
Lintong - Shaanxi 00 86 29
Linyi - Shandong 00 86 539
Liuzhou - Guangxi 00 86 772
Luoyang - Henan 00 86 379
Maomin - Guangdong 00 86 7683
Mobile Phones00 86 1350 to 1390
Mobile Phones cont.00 86 153, 159, 189
Nanchang - Jiangxi 00 86 791
Nanjing - Jiangsu 00 86 25
Nanning - Guangxi 00 86 771
Nantong - Jiangsu 00 86 513
Nanyang - Henan 00 86 377
Nenjiang - Heilongjiang 00 86 4665
Ningbo - Zhejiang 00 86 574
Qingdao - Shandong 00 86 532
Qiqihar - Heilongjiang 00 86 452
Quanzhou - Fujian 00 86 595
Shanghai - Shanghai 00 86 21
Shantou - Guangdong 00 86 754
Shaoxing - Zhejiang 00 86 575
Shenyang - Liaoning 00 86 24
Shenzhen - Guangdong 00 86 755
Shijiazhuang - Hebei 00 86 311
Suzhou - Jiangsu 00 86 512
Tai-an - Shandong 00 86 538
Taiyuan - Shanxi 00 86 351
Taizhou - Jiangsu 00 86 5241
Tianjin - Tianjin 00 86 22
Urumqi - Xinjiang 00 86 991
Weifang - Shandong 00 86 536
Wenzhou - Zhejiang 00 86 577
Wuhan - Hubei 00 86 27
Wuhu - Anhui 00 86 553
Wuxi - Jiangsu 00 86 510
Xi'an - Shaanxi 00 86 29
Xiamen - Fujian 00 86 592
Xianyang - Shaanxi 00 86 910
Xining - Qinghai 00 86 971
Xinmin - Liaoning 00 86 24
Xintai - Hebei 00 86 319
Xuzhou - Jiangsu 00 86 516
Yangzhou - Jiangsu 00 86 514
Yantai - Shandong 00 86 535
Yinchuan - Ningxia 00 86 951
Zhangzhou - Fujian 00 86 596
Zhanjiang - Guangdong 00 86 759
Zhengzhou - Henan 00 86 371
Zhenjiang - Jiangsu 00 86 511
Zhicheng - Hubei 00 86 27
Zibo - Shandong 00 86 533