Make cheap calls to Romania from only 13p per minute!

JustCallAbroad is a massive 13p cheaper than BT!

Calls using any UK phone
Instantly purchase a £5 phone card to make cheap calls to Romania from any phone

Calls from a UK landline
Make instant, cheap international calls to Romania from any phone without having to set-up an account or make any pre-payment
Dial the access number shown above. When connected to our service you will hear a welcome message
Dial the international number you wish to call, remembering to include the full international dial code; 00 40
Get connected to Romania paying only the cost of dialling the cheap rate number plus your phone company's access charge
It's so simple so why not start calling your friends and family now
Calls are charged from time of connection to the service at the indicated rate plus your phone company's access charge. Please contact your phone company for details of these charges. Please obtain bill payer''s permission before making the call.
Dial 0908 807 1090 to get your £5 calling card
Dial this access number, 0203 173 1731, for the cost of a UK local call or free if you have any unused minutes on your talk plan
When you hear the welcome message enter your PIN and the international number you wish to call, remembering to include the full international dial code; 00 40
Get connected to Romania paying for the international leg of the call using your calling credit
All credit expires 60 days from first usage. Calls to 0905 number cost £5 + your phone company's access charge. Calls charged per minute & apply from the moment of connection. Calls to 01 numbers cost UK standard rate and can be used as a part of inclusive minutes. Calls to international premium rate services may cost considerably more than advertised rate.
Why pay more? Pay from 13p per minute when calling Romania.
Call mobiles in Romania from your landline from only 13p per minute.
- Before you dial your international number, call 0871 313 2501
- When connected to the JustCallAbroad service you will hear a welcome message
- Dial the Romanian number you need, remembering to include the full international dial code; 00 40
- For example, if you want to make a low cost call to a landline in Bucharest, dial 0871 313 2501 first, at the prompt dial 0040 21 123 4567 and get connected
- You only pay the indicated cost plus your phone company's access charge in your usual way
- The Romanian number you call will not appear on your bill, only the 0871 313 2501 number will be shown
Use your mobile to make cheap calls to Romania.
So, what are you waiting for? Take advantage of super cheap calls with JustCallAbroad now and make massive savings.
Romanian dial codes
Alba00 40 258
Arad00 40 257
Arges00 40 248
Bacau00 40 234
Baia Mare00 40 262
Bihor00 40 259
Bistrita00 40 263
Botosani00 40 231
Braila00 40 239
Brasov00 40 268
Bucharest00 40 21
Buzau00 40 238
Calarasi00 40 242
Caras-Severin00 40 255
Cluj-Napoca00 40 264
Constanta00 40 241
Corvasna00 40 267
Craiova00 40 251
Dambovita00 40 245
Dolj00 40 251
Focsani00 40 237
Gaesti00 40 245
Galati00 40 236
Giurgiu00 40 246
Gorj00 40 253
Harghita00 40 266
Hunedoara00 40 254
Ialomita00 40 243
Iasi00 40 232
Lugoj00 40 256
Mamaia00 40 241
Maramures00 40 262
Mehedinti00 40 252
Mobile Phones00 40 7
Mures00 40 265
Neamt00 40 233
Olt00 40 249
Oradea00 40 259
Petrosani00 40 254
Pitesti00 40 248
Ploiesti00 40 244
Prahova00 40 244
Ramnicu Valcea00 40 250
Roman00 40 233
Romania00 40
Sacele00 40 268
Salaj00 40 260
Satu-Mare00 40 261
Sibiu00 40 269
Suceava00 40 230
Targu-Mures00 40 265
Teleorman00 40 247
Timisoara00 40 256
Turda00 40 264
Vaslui00 40 235
Vrancea00 40 237
Yulcea00 40 240
Zarnesti00 40 268