Call Turkey from only 13p per minute

using JustCallAbroad could not be cheaper or easier. Find out how.

Calls using any UK phone
Instantly purchase a £5 phone card to make cheap calls to Turkey from any phone

Calls from a UK landline
Make instant, cheap international calls to Turkey from any phone without having to set-up an account or make any pre-payment
Dial the access number shown above. When connected to our service you will hear a welcome message
Dial the international number you wish to call, remembering to include the full international dial code; 00 90
Get connected to Turkey paying only the cost of dialling the cheap rate number plus your phone company's access charge
It's so simple so why not start calling your friends and family now
Calls are charged from time of connection to the service at the indicated rate plus your phone company's access charge. Please contact your phone company for details of these charges. Please obtain bill payer''s permission before making the call.
Dial 0908 807 1090 to get your £5 calling card
Dial this access number, 0203 173 1731, for the cost of a UK local call or free if you have any unused minutes on your talk plan
When you hear the welcome message enter your PIN and the international number you wish to call, remembering to include the full international dial code; 00 90
Get connected to Turkey paying for the international leg of the call using your calling credit
All credit expires 60 days from first usage. Calls to 0905 number cost £5 + your phone company's access charge. Calls charged per minute & apply from the moment of connection. Calls to 01 numbers cost UK standard rate and can be used as a part of inclusive minutes. Calls to international premium rate services may cost considerably more than advertised rate.
JustCallAbroad offer cheap calls to Turkey from just 13p a minute! It's simple, straightforward and cheap, cheap, CHEAP!
To make cheap international calls to a mobile in Turkey from a UK landline from ONLY 13p PER MINUTE simply dial 0871 313 2501 + 00 90 + your local number.
- Before you dial your international number, call 0871 313 2501
- When connected to the JustCallAbroad service you will hear a welcome message
- Dial the Turkish number you need, remembering to include the full international dial code; 00 90
- For example, if you want to make a low cost call to a landline in Istanbul, dial 0871 313 2501 first, at the prompt dial 0090 212 123 4567 and get connected
- You only pay the indicated cost plus your phone company's access charge in your usual way
- The Turkish number you call will not appear on your bill, only the 0871 313 2501 number will be shown
With JustCallAbroad you can make use of free minutes to make cheap calls to Turkey from your mobile phone!
Tell all your family and friends about the cheap international calls to Turkey from JustCallAbroad!
Turkish dial codes
Adana 00 90 322, 323
Adapazari 00 90 264, 265
Adiyaman 00 90 416, 417
Afyon 00 90 272, 273
Agri 00 90 472, 473
Aksaray 00 90 382, 383
Amasya 00 90 358, 359
Ankara 00 90 312, 313
Antalya 00 90 242, 243
Ardahan 00 90 478, 479
Artvin 00 90 466, 467
Aydin 00 90 256, 257
Balikesir 00 90 266, 267
Bartin 00 90 378, 379
Batman 00 90 488, 489
Bayburt 00 90 458, 459
Bilecik 00 90 228, 229
Bingol 00 90 426, 427
Bitus 00 90 434, 435
Bolu 00 90 374, 375
Burdur 00 90 248, 249
Bursa 00 90 224, 225
Canakkale 00 90 286, 287
Cankiri 00 90 376, 377
Corum 00 90 364, 365
Denizli 00 90 258, 259
Diyarbakir 00 90 412, 413
Edirne 00 90 284, 285
Elazig 00 90 424, 425
Erzincan 00 90 446, 447
Erzurum 00 90 442, 443
Eskisehir 00 90 222, 223
Gaziantep 00 90 342, 343
Giresun 00 90 454, 455
Gumushane 00 90 456, 457
Hakkari 00 90 438, 439
Hatay 00 90 326, 327
Icel (Mersin) 00 90 324, 325
Igdir 00 90 476, 477
Isparta 00 90 246, 247
Istanbul Asya (Asia side) 00 90 216, 217
Istanbul Avrupa (Europe side) 00 90 212, 213
Izmir 00 90 232, 233
Izmit 00 90 262, 263
Kahramanmaras 00 90 344, 345
Karaman 00 90 338, 339
Kars 00 90 474, 475
Kastamonu 00 90 366, 367
Kayseri 00 90 352, 352
Kirikkale 00 90 318, 319
Kirklareli 00 90 288, 289
Kirsehir 00 90 386, 387
Kocaeli 00 90 262, 263
Konya 00 90 332, 333
Kutahya 00 90 274, 275
Malatya 00 90 422, 423
Manisa 00 90 236, 237
Mardin 00 90 482, 483
Mobile Phones00 90 5
Mugla 00 90 252, 253
Mus 00 90 436, 437
Nevsehir 00 90 384, 385
Nigde 00 90 388, 389
Ordu 00 90 452, 453
Rize 00 90 464, 465
Sakarya 00 90 264, 265
Samsun 00 90 362, 363
Sanliurfa 00 90 414, 415
Siirt 00 90 484, 485
Sinop 00 90 368, 369
Sirnak 00 90 486, 487
Sivas 00 90 346, 347
Tekirdag 00 90 282, 283
Tokat 00 90 356, 357
Trabzon 00 90 462, 463
Tunceli 00 90 428, 429
Turkey00 90
Usak 00 90 276, 277
Van 00 90 432, 433
Yalova 00 90 226, 227
Yozgat 00 90 354, 355
Zonguldak 00 90 372, 373